
New words for June

With winter on the way, we travelled to the Snowy Mountains and dug these six new words out of the snow drifts. 

Are you a cheugy? You better hope not. A cheugy is something or someone who follows outdated, sometimes basic trends. To avoid appearing basic, you might want to wrap up in cyber fashion, that is, futuristic or cyberpunk-inspired clothing. Definitely not outdated. 

Have you used a neopronoun? This is an invented pronoun for a third or non-binary gender to male and female. If you haven’t you might get wokescolded. To wokescold is to criticise someone for not having views that are left-leaning or ‘woke’ enough. What’s worse than a wokescold? Phubbing, that’s what, which is the act of snubbing someone you are with by playing on a mobile phone. RUDE.

Our final word is teenior. Yes, teenior. A senior citizen who is acting like a stereotypical teenager. I’m not sure which age group this will offend more. 


cheugy - something or someone who follows outdated, sometimes basic trends

cyber fashion - Futuristic, cyberpunk inspired clothing

neopronoun - invented pronouns for a third or non-binary gender to male and female

phubbing - snubbing someone you are with by playing on a mobile phone

teenior - a senior citizen who is acting like a stereotypical teenager

 wokescold - to criticise someone for not having views that are left-leaning or 'woke' enough


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