

Publications used as sources for illustrative material in the Dictionary

AAP News  (MacquarieNet)   1996–2004 

ABC  abc.net.au 

Aboriginal Law Bulletin 

Adams, Glenda  Games of the Strong   1982 

Adams, Phillip  The Unspeakable Adams   1977 

Adam-Smith, Patsy  The ANZACS   1978 

Advertiser  (Adelaide)   

Age  (Melbourne)  

Aldridge, James  Ride a Wild Pony   1973 

Allison, A.S. in Stewart and Keesing 

Allison, J. Murray in Stewart and Keesing 

Altman, Dennis  Homosexual: Oppression and Liberation   1973 

Anderson, Ethel  At Parramatta   1956 

Anderson, Jessica  Tirra-Lirra by the River   1978 

anon.  Alvin Purple   1974 

anon.  Apostolate in Irregular Marriage Situations   1979 

anon.  in Stewart and Keesing   Australian Bush Ballads 

anon.  Australian Wonders (Silver Digests Little Books of Knowledge, No. 108)   n.d. 

anon.  Bush Regeneration (handout) (Sydney)   1992 

anon.  Guide to The Australian War Memorial   1953 

anon.  Gwinganna: An Ecoplace   1992 

anon.  in Keesing   Old Bush Songs 

anon.  Water Safety (Australian Life Saving Society)   1955 

Arena  (Macquarie University, Sydney)   1991 

Astley, Thea  A Kindness Cup   1974 

  —  Drylands  1999 

Athanasou, Nicholas in R.F. Holt 

Atkinson, Hugh  Grey’s Valley: The Legend   1986 

Australian  (Sydney)   1992 

Australian Constitution (Revision 04/91)   1991 

Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia  a4.org.au 

Aven-Bray, Ryan  Ridgey Didge Oz Jack Lang   1983 

Bail, Murray  Holden’s Performance   1988 

  —  Eucalyptus   1998 

Baker, Sidney J.  The Australian Language  (2nd ed.)   1966 

Banfield, EJ  The Confessions of a Beachcomber   1908 

Barrett, Robert G.  The Wind and the Monkey   1999 

Baynton, Barbara  Bush Studies   1902 

Bean, C.E.W.  On the Wool Track   1910 

Bean, Joan M. in R.F. Holt 

Beckett, Richard  The Dinkum Aussie Dictionary   1986 

Bedford, Jean  Love Child   1986 

Bennett, Jack  Gallipoli   1981 

Birch, Charles  Confronting the Future – Australia and the World: the Next Hundred Years   1976 

Birmingham, John  He Died with a Felafel in His Hand   1994 

 —  The Tasmanian Babes Fiasco   1997 

Bjelke-Petersen, Joh  Johspeak  (compiled by A. Price, E. Hancock and E. Scholz)   1988 

Blackman, John  The Aussie Slang Dictionary: For Old and New Australians   1990 

Blainey, Geoffrey  All for Australia   1984 

‘Bluey’  Bush Contractors   1975 

Boake, Barcroft in Stewart and Keesing 

‘Boldrewood, Rolf’  Shearing in the Riverina   1865 

  —  Robbery Under Arms   1888 

Bosi, Pino in R.F. Holt 

Bosworth, Ellen  Shelley and the Bushfire Mystery   1972 

Boyd, Martin  Lucinda Brayford   1946 

Boyd, Robin  The Australian Ugliness   1968 

Brennan, Christopher  Poems  [1913]   1914 

Brinsmead, Hesba  Longtime Dreaming   1982 

Britain, Ian in Dessaix 

Bruce, Lawrie in Carozzi and Haynes 

Bruce, Mary Grant  Billabong’s Daughter   1924 

Bryson, John  Whoring Around   1981 

Bulletin   1895 

Buzo, Alex  Meet the New Class   1981 

Cambridge, Ada  Sisters   1904 

Canberra Times 

Carey, Gabrielle and Kathy Lette  Puberty Blues   1979 

Carey, Peter  The Fat Man in History   1974 

  —  Oscar and Lucinda   1988 

Carozzi, Barry and Jennifer Haynes (selectors)  New Axe Handle and Other Stories   1983 

Central Land Council  clc.org.au 

Clarke, Marcus  His Natural Life   1874 

Clune, Frank  Dig: A Drama of Central Australia   1937 

 —  Roaming Around Australia   1947 

Coleman, Peter in Craven (Essays 1999) 

Colman, Maureen in Poetry (Sydney)   1967 

Colles, C.G.A. in Stewart and Keesing 

Collins, Paul in Kavanagh 

Community Express  (Hobart)   1987–1988 

Conrad, Peter in Dessaix 

Cook, Kenneth  Wake in Fright   1961 

Costello, Tim  Tips from a Travelling Soul-Searcher   1999 

Cox, Erle  Out of the Silence   1925 

Craven, Peter (ed.)  The Best Australian Essays 1998   1998 

Craven, Peter (ed.)  The Best Australian Essays 1999   1999 

Craven, Peter (ed.)  The Best Australian Stories 1999   1999 

Crikey  crikey.com.au 

Crowley, Frank and Lorna Cartwright  A Citizen’s Guide to Marihuana in Australia   1977 

CSIRO  csiro.au 

‘Culotta, Nino’ (John O’Grady)  gone fishin’   1962 

Curry, Eric  Hysterical History of Australia   1940 

Cusack, Dymphna  Black Lightning   1964 

Dadswell, Mary in Carozzi and Haynes 

d’Alpuget, Blanche  Turtle Beach   1981 

 —  Robert J. Hawke: A biography   1982 

Dark, Eleanor  Waterway   1938 

Davison, Frank Dalby  The Wells of Beersheba and other stories (1933–1968)   1985 

Dawe, Bruce  Sometimes Gladness: Collected Poems 1954–1982   1983 

Dening, Greg in Craven (Essays 1999) 

Dennis, C.J.  The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke   1915 

  —  1919 in Stewart and Keesing 

  —  19221938 in Hutchinson 

Dessaix, Robert (ed.)  Speaking their Minds   1998 

Dezsery, Andras in R.F. Holt 

Dick, William  A Bunch of Ratbags   1965 

Dickins, Barry  What the Dickins!   1985 

Disher, Garry in Kavanagh 

Dixson, Miriam  The Real Matilda: Women and Identity in Australia 1788 to the Present  (revised ed.)   1984 

Dobson, Rosemary  Selected Poems 1944–1978 (revised ed.)   1980 

  —  The Three Fates & Other Poems   1984 

Dooley, Sean  The Big Twitch   2005 

Doug Anthony Allstars  Book   1989 

Downie, John C.  Galloping Hoofs   1936 

Dubbo Liberal and Macquarie Advocate   1900 

Duhs, Irmgard in R.F. Holt 

Durack, Mary  Kings in Grass Castles   1959 

Elle Australia  elle.com.au 

Elliott, Sumner Locke  Signs of Life   1981 

Ellis, Bob  So It Goes   2000 

Encarnacao, John J. in Skrzynecki 

Essen, Louis in Murdoch 

Examiner  (Tasmania) 

Facey, A.B.  A Fortunate Life   1981 

Farmer, Beverley  Milk   1983 

Farquhar, Murray  Nine Words from the Grave   1986 

Farwell, George  Land of Mirage   1950 

Fashion Journal  fashionjournal.com.au 

Federal Hansard   

Figure and Vigour  (Sydney)   1952 

First Peoples – State Relations   firstpeoplesrelations.vic.gov.au 

Fitzgerald, Ross  All About Anthrax   1987 

FitzGerald, Stephen  Is Australia an Asian Country?   1997 

Flannery, Tim (ed.)  The Birth of Sydney   1999 

Flatball News  (Sydney)   1993 

Ford, Bruce  The Elderly Australian (revised ed.)   1984 

Foster, David  Moonlite   1981 

  —  Essays 1987–98   1999 

Francis, Ricki  Hotel Kings X   1973 

Franklin, Miles  My Brilliant Career   1901 

  —  My Career Goes Bung   1946 

  —  Childhood at Brindabella   1963 

French, Simon  Hey Phantom Singlet   1975 

Frost, Alan  Convicts and Empire   1980 

Furphy, Joseph  Such Is Life: Being Certain Extracts from the Diary of Tom Collins   1903 

Fusillo, Archimede in Kavanagh 

Garner, Helen  Monkey Grip   1977 

  —  in Dessaix 

Garvey, Keith  Absolutely Australian   1979 

 —  Uncle Harry Rides Again   1981 

Gaunt, Mary  Kirkham’s Find   1897 

Gelder, Ken and Jane M. Jacobs  Uncanny Australia   1998 

Gellert, Leon  Beastly Australians: Some Faunagraphic Data Compiled for Students of Australian Wild Life   1964 

Gibbs, May  Snugglepot and Cuddlepie, Their Adventures Wonderful   1918 

  —  Little Ragged Blossom, and more about Snugglepot and Cuddlepie   1920 

  —  Little Obelia and further adventures of Ragged Blossom, Snugglepot and Cuddlepie   1921 

  —  Nuttybub and Nittersing   1923 

Gibson, G.H. (‘Ironbark’) in Stewart and Keesing 

Glassop, Lawson  We Were the Rats   1944 

Goldsworthy, Peter  Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam   1999 

Goodge, W.T. in Stewart and Keesing 

Good Weekend  (Sydney, Melbourne)   

Goot, Murray and Tim Rowse (eds)  Make a Better Offer: The Politics of Mabo   1994 

Gordon, Adam Lindsay  The Feud   1864 

  —  Ashtaroth   1867 

  —  Sea Spray and Smoke Drift   1867 

 —  Bush Ballads and Galloping Rhymes   1870 

Grassby, Al and Marji Hill  Six Australian Battlefields   1988 

Greenop, Frank S.  Bunyip with a Swag   n.d. 

Grenville, Kate  The Secret River   2005 

Griffin, Benjamin in Keesing 

Grongard, Carole-Elise in Kavanagh 

Hackett, I.J. in Carozzi and Haynes 

Hage, Ghassan  White Nation   1998 

Hall, Richard  Black Armband Days   1998 

Hall, Rodney  Kisses of the Enemy   1987 

Handford, Nourma  Carcoola Holiday   1953 

Hardy, Frank  Power Without Glory   1950 

  —  Legends from Benson’s Valley   1963 

Harford, Lesbia  The Invaluable Mystery   1924 

Harney, W.E.  Brimming Billabongs: The Life Story of an Australian Aboriginal   1947 

Harris, Bernie in The National Language: Proceedings of Style Council 94   1995 

Hasluck, Nicholas  The Bellarmine Jug   1984 

Hazzard, Shirley  Transit of Venus   1980 

Henderson, Ian in Waldren 

Hepworth, John  John Hepworth: His Book   1978 

Herald  (Melbourne)  

Herald-Sun  (Melbourne)  

Herbert, Xavier  Capricornia   1938 

  —  Poor Fellow My Country   1975 

Hetherington, Keith  Patrick   1978 

Hewett, Dorothy  Neap Tide   1999 

Hill, M.A. and A.J. Press in Goot and Rowse 

Hirst, John in Dessaix 

‘Hogbotel, S. & S. ffuckes’  Snatches and Lays   1973 

Holt, R. (‘6 x 8’) in Stewart and Keesing 

Holt, R.F. (ed.)  The Strength of Tradition: Stories of the Immigrant Presence in Australia   1983 

Hore-Ruthven, Patrick  The Happy Warrior Poems   1943 

Horn, M.A. (ed.)  The Digest of Hygiene for Father and Son   1948 

Hospitality Magazine  hospitalitymagazine.com.au 

Huggins, Jackie  Sister Girl   1998 

Hughes, Robert in Dessaix 

Hume, Fergus  The Mystery of a Hansom Cab   1898 

Hungerford, T.A.G.  Stories from Suburban Road: an autobiographical collection,  1920–1939   1983 

  —  Riverslake  1953 

Hunt, Kathleen  How to Become an Endangered Species: and other extracts from the ABC’s Science Show   1985 

Hutchinson, Gary (ed.)  The C.J. Dennis Collection: from his ‘forgotten’ writings   1987 

Hyde, Michael  Will you shut up about spiritmen!   1982 

Idriess, Ion L.  Flynn of the Inland   1932 

 —  The Desert Column   1932 

  —  Over the Range   1937 

  —  Isles of Despair   1947 

  —  The Red Chief   1953 

 Ireland, David  The Unknown Industrial Prisoner   1971 

 —  The Glass Canoe   1976 

‘Jackson, Neville’  No end to the way   1965 

Jaivin, Linda in Craven (Stories 1999) 

James, Clive  Unreliable Memoirs   1980 

Jarratt, Suzy  Permissive Australia   1970 

‘Jason’ in Stewart and Keesing 

‘J.O.’ in Stewart and Keesing 

Johnson, Colin  Wild Cat Falling   1965   (see Mudrooroo) 

Johnston, George  My Brother Jack   1964 

Jolley, Elizabeth  Mr Scobie’s Riddle   1983 

  —  The Sugar Mother   1988 

Jones, Deborah in Dessaix 

Jupp, James in Nile 

Kalamaras, Vasso  1983 in R.F. Holt 

  —  1985 in Skrzynecki 

Kavanagh, Michael (ed.)  A Bundle of Yarns   1986 

‘Keese, Oliné’  The Broad Arrow: Being the Story of Maida Gwynnham, a ‘Lifer’ in Van Diemen’s Land   1859 

Keesing, Nancy (ed.)   Old Bush Songs   1957 

  —  Lily on the Dustbin: Slang of Australian Women and Families   1982 

  —  A Collection of Australian Jewish Stories   1983  

Keneally, Thomas  Bring Larks and Heroes   1967 

  —  The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith   1972 

Kersting, H.  Coinage of Australia   1966 

Kimber, R.G.  Man from Arltunga   1986 

Koch, C.J.  The Year of Living Dangerously   1978 

Lake, Max  Classic Wines of Australia   1966 

‘Lancaster, G.B.’  Pageant   1933 

Lane, Terry  Hectic   1993 

Langley, Eve  The Pea-Pickers  (2nd ed.)   1958 

Lawler, Ray  Summer of the Seventeenth Doll   1957 

Lawson, Henry  Over the Sliprails   1900   

  —  Joe Wilson and his Mates   1901 

  —  Children of the Bush   1902 

  —  The Romance of the Swag    1907 

  —  Send Round the Hat   1907 

  —  The Rising of the Court   1910 

Leslie, Mary in Kavanagh 

Lewis, Harold  Crow on a Barbed Wire Fence   1973 

Liberman, Serge in Skrzynecki 

Lindsay, Joan  Picnic at Hanging Rock   1967 

Lindsay, Norman  A Curate in Bohemia   1913 

  —  The Magic Pudding   1918 

  —  Age of Consent   1938 

  —  The Cousin from Fiji   1945 

  —  Dust or Polish?   1950 

Loukakis, Angelo  For the Patriarch   1981 

  —  1985 in Skrzynecki 

Lowenstein, Wendy  Improper Play Rhymes of Australian Children (Australian Folklore Occasional Paper No. 5) (3rd ed.)   1988 

  — and Morag Loh  The Immigrants   1977 

Lower, Lennie  Here’s Luck   1930 

Lumby, Catherine  Gotcha   1999 

Lurie, Morris  Seven Books for Grossman   1983 

McCarthy, Maureen  Ganglands   1992 

McCullough, Colleen  Tim   1975 

 —  The Thorn Birds   1977 

Macdonnell, JE  Alarm – E-boats!   1958 

McGahan, Andrew  Praise   1992 

McInnes, Graham  The Road to Gundagai   1965 

 —  Humping my Bluey   1966 

MacKay, Hugh  Turning Point   1999 

McKie, Ronald  The Mango Tree   1974 

McQueen, James  Uphill Runner   1984 

Mail  (Adelaide)  

Maloney, Shane in Craven (Essays 1999) 

Malouf, David  Harland’s Half Acre   1984 

 —  The Great World   1990 

 —  Dream Stuff   2000 

Mamamia  mamamia.com.au 

Manne, Robert  The Way We Live Now   1998 

  —  in Dessaix 

Marchetta, Melina  Looking for Alibrandi   1992 

Maris, Hyllus and Sonia Borg  Women of the Sun   1985 

Marr, David  The High Price of Heaven   1999 

Marshall, Alan  I Can Jump Puddles   1955 

Marshall, Rocky in Carozzi and Haynes 

Martin, Adrian in Craven (Essays 1999) 

Martin, Ross M.  Trade Unions in Australia: Who runs them, who belongs–their politics, their power (2nd ed.)   1980 

Matthews, Brian in Craven (Stories 1999) 

  —  in Craven (Essays 1998) 

Meanjin  (Melbourne) 

Meehan, Michael  The Salt of Broken Tears   1999 

 —  Stormy Weather   2000 

Mercury  (Hobart)  

Messenger  (Adelaide) 

Money, Lawrence  The Footy Fan’s Handbook   1981 

Montrose, Rosetta in The Reader (Hobart University)   1991 

Moorhouse, Frank  Forty-Seventeen   1988 

Morgan, Sally  My Place   1987 

Morosi, Junie  Sex, Prejudice and Politics   1975 

Morrison, John  Stories of the Waterfront (1944–1983)   1984 

Mudrooroo  Wild Cat Falling   1965   (originally published as Colin Johnson) 

  —  The Undying   1998 

Murdoch, Walter  The Oxford Book of Australasian Verse   1918 

Murnane, Gerald  Landscape with Landscape   1987 

Murray, John in The Legion of Mary   1960 

Murray, Les (A.)  The Vernacular Republic: Poems  1961–1981   1982 

  —  Fredy Neptune   1998 

  —  The Quality of Sprawl   1999 

Music Feeds  musicfeeds.com.au 

Muskett, Philip E.  The Art of Living in Australia   1893 

Nagel, William  The Odd Angry Shot   1975 

Namoi Valley Independent 

News  (Adelaide) 

Newton, Bert  Bert!   1977 

Niland, D’arcy  The Shiralee   1955 

Nile, Richard (ed.)  Australian Civilisation   1994 

Nixon, Francis Hodgson in Stewart and Keesing 

Norman, Doris  Chou San and the Very Wise Hermit   1965 

Northern Sun  (Mareeba)  

‘O’Brien, John’  Around the Boree Log and other verses   1921 

O’Connor, Mark in Kavanagh 

Ogilvie, William H.  The Australian and Other Verses   1916 

Pallin, Paddy  Bushwalking Around Sydney   1959 

Palmer, Vance  Golconda   1948 

  —  The Legend of the Nineties   1954 

Park, Ruth  Harp in the South   1948 

  —  Poor Man’s Orange   1949 

Passing Show  (Macquarie University, Sydney)   1993 

Paterson, A.B. (Banjo)  The Man from Snowy River and other verses   1895 

  — Rio Grande’s Last Ride and other verses   1902 

  —  Saltbush Bill, J.P., and other verses   1917 

Pearl, Cyril  So you want to be an Australian   1959 

Pearson, Kent  Surfing Subcultures of Australia and New Zealand   1979 

Penton, Brian  Landtakers   1934 

Phillips, AA in Meanjin    1966 

Porter, Peter in Craven (Essays 1998) 

Preston, Betty  What shall I do now? Play activities for the under fives   1968 

Prichard, Katharine Susannah  Coonardoo: The Well in the Shadow   1929 

Pringle, John Douglas  Australian Accent   1958 

Quinn, Roderic in Stewart and Keesing 

Rees, Coralie and Leslie  Spinifex Walkabout: Hitch-hiking in Remote North Australia   1953 

Remeikis, Amy  twitter.com/amyremeikis 

Reynolds, Henry  Why Weren’t We Told?   1999 

Rhodes, Sue  Now you’ll think I’m awful   1967 

 —  And when she was bad she was popular  1968 

Ribald  (Sydney)   1975 

Richards, Lyn  Having Families: Marriage, Parenthood and Social Pressure in Australia (revised ed.)   1985 

‘Richardson, Henry Handel’  The Getting of Wisdom   1910 

  —  Australia Felix   1917 

  —  The Way Home   1925 

  —  Ultima Thule   1929 

Riley, Len  The Kings Cross Racket   1967 

Roberts, Barney  Where’s Morning Gone?   1987 

‘Rohan, Criena’  The Delinquents   1962 

  —  Down by the Dockside   1963 

Rowley, C.D.  The Destruction of Aboriginal Society   1970 

Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody 

‘Rudd, Steele’  On Our Selection   1899 

  —  Our New Selection   1903 

Ruhen, Olaf  Naked Under Capricorn   1958 

Saragas, Eff in Oz-Wide Tales (Sydney)   1990 

SBS  sbs.com.au 

Scott, John A.  Blair   1988 

Searchlight  (Sydney)  

Serventy, Vincent  Desert Walkabout   1973    

Shanahan, Dennis in Waldren 

Sheehan, Paul  Among the Barbarians   1998 

Sheil, Graham  War’s End   1981 

Shepherd, Greg in Kavanagh 

Shute, Nevil  The Far Country   1952 

Sidney, Neilma  Sunday evening   1988 

Sinclair, Colin  Tall, Bronzed and Handsome   1968 

Singer, Peter  Transplantation Proceedings Vol. 24 No. 2   1992 

Singleton, John in Macquarie Dictionary of Australian Quotations   1990 

Singleton Argus   1906 

Skerman, Allan  Beyond Indigo   1989 

Skrzynecki, Peter (ed.)  Joseph’s Coat: An Anthology of Multicultural Writing   1985 

Slessor, Kenneth  Poems  (1926–1944)   1972 

Smith, G.M. (‘Steele Grey’) in Stewart and

Keesing  Sobolewski, Tad in Skrzynecki 

South Australian Register  (Adelaide) 

Spence, Catherine Helen  Mr Hogarth’s Will   1867 

  —  Handfasted   1879 

Spinks, Peter  Wizards of Oz   1999 

Stead, Christina  The Man Who Loved Children   1940 

  —  For Love Alone   1944 

Stevens, Lyla  Animals of Australia in colour   1956 

Stewart, Douglas and Nancy Keesing (eds)  Australian Bush Ballads   1955 

Stivens, Dal  A Horse of Air   1986 

Stone, Louis  Jonah   1911 

Stott, Murray  Aliens Over Antipodes   1984 

Stow, Randolph  Tourmaline   1963 

 —  The Merry-Go-Round in the Sea   1965 

Stretton, Hugh  Ideas for Australian Cities   1970 

Suffield, W. in Carozzi and Haynes 

Summers, Anne  Damned Whores and God’s Police: The Colonization of Women in Australia   1975 

Sun  (Sydney)  

Sun-News Pictorial  (Melbourne)  

Sunday Herald  (Melbourne)  

Sunday Herald Sun  (Melbourne) 

Sunday Sun  (Melbourne) 

Sunday Tasmanian  (Hobart)  

Sunday Herald  (Sydney)  

Sydney Monitor  

Sydney Morning Herald  

Tasmanian Country  (Hobart)  

Tennant, Kylie  Lost Haven   1946 

  —  The Man on the Headland   1971 

Thwaites, Frederick J.  The Melody Lingers   1935 

Titcher, Margot in Kavanagh 

Tompson, Charles, Jnr.  Wild Notes, from the Lyre of a Native Minstrel   1826 

Tracks  (Sydney)  

Trett, Leonid in R.F. Holt 

Truth  (Melbourne)  

Turner, Ethel  Seven Little Australians   1894 

Upfield, Arthur  The Widows of Broome   1950 

Urban List  theurbanlist.com 

Villiers, Alan  Whalers of the Midnight Sun   1944 

Vinge, Joan D.  Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome   1985 

Waldren, Murray (ed.)  Future Tense   1999 

Walker, Max  How to Tame Lions   1988 

Wall, Dorothy  The Complete Adventures of Blinky Bill   1939 

Wallace-Crabbe, Chris in Nile 

Walters, Patrick in Waldren 

Ward, Russel  The Australian Legend (2nd ed.)   1966 

Waten, Judah   Season of Youth   1972 

  —   1983 in R.F. Holt 

  —   1985 in Skrzynecki 

Watkins, Wal  Andamooka   1971 

WAtoday  watoday.com.au 

Watson, Don in Craven (Essays 1998) 

Watson, Sam  The Kadaitcha Sung   1990 

Weedon, Dianne  Tears in My Champagne   1984 

Weekend Australian  (Sydney) 

Wenona School  wenona.nsw.edu.au  

West Australian  (Perth)  

Western Magazine (regional NSW)  

Westerner  (Hobart)  

White, Patrick  Tree of Man   1955 

  —  Voss   1957 

  —  A Fringe of Leaves   1976 

  — ‘A Sense of Integrity’ (lecture at La Trobe University, Melbourne)   1988 

Wilding, Michael  The Paraguayan Experiment   1985 

Williamson, David  The Removalists   1972 

  —   in Dessaix 

Winter-Irving, W.A.  Bush Stories   1977 

Winton, Tim  That eye, the sky   1986 

  —  In the Winter Dark   1988 

 —  Cloudstreet   1991 

  —  Lockie Leonard: Scumbuster   1993 

Witting, Amy  Isobel on the Way to the Corner Shop   1999 

‘Wongar, B.’  Walg: A Novel of Australia   1983 

Wood, Gilmore in Travelling On  (Sydney)   1953 

Wood, Ray in R.F. Holt 

Wood, Thomas  Cobbers: A personal record of a journey from Essex, in England, to Australia, Tasmania and some of the reefs and islands in the Coral Sea, made in the years 1930, 1931, and 1932   1934 

Woodfield, Sutton  A for Artemis: A burlesque of Big-City Intrigue   1960 

Wright, Judith  Collected Poems:  1942–1970   1971