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There are 1 results of your search for pov.


bad form, untrendy, cheap and nasty: Mum, your hairstyle is really pov; This TV programme is pov. Compare povo. [originally a derogatory term for an economically-disadvantaged person, short for poverty-stricken]

Contributor's comments: Also used, as 'poverty' in New England, NSW.

Contributor's comments: It's a descriptive word, so it doesn't really have a subject area. Anything and everything can be pov, and quite often is.

Contributor's comments: Pov and povvo are most definitely used by kids in the Riverina area and I had certainly never heard the expression before moving here from Sydney.

Contributor's comments: I have heard Melbourne teenagers use 'pov' as a negative description of a range of items.

Contributor's comments: This word is used in many Eastern suburbs private schools to denigrate kids from state schools expecially those schools in poorer suburbs.