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There are 1 results of your search for pipi.


A mollusc found on surf beaches along the Australian coast. Dug up by Queensland and NSW fishermen for bait. Known in other states as eugarie (NSW) or cockles (SA): I'm using pipi's for bait.

Contributor's comments: The term 'pipi' is also common in Victoria.

Contributor's comments: Pippis are also found in NSW.

Contributor's comments: I've lived in various parts of NSW all my life and have only ever heard these things referred to as pipis. Have NEVER heard of eugarie!!!

Contributor's comments: Also the New Zealand name - thought it was Maori?

Editor's comments: Indeed the word does originally come from Maori.

Contributor's comments: Pipi is also commonly used in coastal NSW.

Contributor's comments: Eugari(e) seems to cut in from about Brisbane North; I have no reference to it in any NSW writing on food or fishing. 'Wong' is another name for pipi which, I think, may be restricted to Fraser Island.

Contributor's comments: In New Zealand Pipi's are different from Cockles, and I have seen both labelled for sale as such in Melbourne.

Contributor's comments: I was raised invarious parts of Queensland and alway referred to them as Eugaries while my husband who was from the north coast area of NSW always call them pipis. There was a documentary on the ABC TV several years ago and the anthropologist said, "I am sitting on a midden of eugarie shells many hundreds of years old."