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There are 2 results of your search for iceblock1.


noun a frozen flavoured confection on a stick. Compare by jingo, icy pole, paddle-pop.

Contributor's comments: Small cube of frozen flavoured water. Sold in square cups similar to icecream cones. Popular around Fremantle in the 50s. Forerunner to icy-poles. The last one I bought cost tuppence: "It was hot so we bought the kids ice blocks to cool them down."


noun a block of frozen flavoured confection served in a square wafer 'cone'.

Contributor's comments: In the 50s and 60s (at least at Camberwell Central School in Melbourne) iceblocks were not on sticks but sold as blocks of frozen flavoured water. These were dispensed in cubed "cones" which enabled one to suck on them without getting ones hands wet and sticky - at least that was the intent!

Contributor's comments: In Victoria, the homemade, icetray version of an icy pole, known as an "iceblock" was eaten in a short square "cone".