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There are 1 results of your search for double-dink.


verb (t), noun another word for dink meaning to give someone a lift on a bicycle.

Editor's comments: Is there any difference between a "dink" and a "double-dink"?

Contributor's comments: Also used in Perth.

Contributor's comments: I grew up in Canberra. We always "dinked" or "double dinked" on our bikes.

Contributor's comments: I used the phrase "double-dink" as a child in the late 1950's referring to carrying a second person on a bike - often they would sit on the seat and I would stand and pedal, or they would sit on the handlebars. This was in the northern suburbs of Sydney.

Contributor's comments: I was brought up in the forties/fifties in Western Victoria. The word dink was used commonly as defined. The double dink was also common - but a bit harder to do.

Contributor's comments: Also used around the Lachlan Valley area, particularly double-dink.

Contributor's comments: Dink or double dink used in NT Vic and QLD for 45 years or more.

Contributor's comments: I grew up with dink or double dink in South Western Australia, and later lived in South Australia and heard 'donkey' for riding on the bar of a bike.

Contributor's comments: [Riverina informant] Used this term as child, not sure if still curent as bicycle riding days are over!

Contributor's comments: In the 60s on King Island 'double-dink' and 'dink' were interchangable, to a point, as in "they are 'dinking' (or 'double-dinking')" but "give me a 'dink' please."

Contributor's comments: I developed a sore bottom as a child in Kalgoorlie, WA by dinking or double dinking on my dad's pushbike.

Contributor's comments: To answer the Editor's query. On King Island, at least in the 60s and early 70s, to 'double-dink' was an verb, as in, "They're double-dinking!" 'Dink' was the noun, as in, "Can you give us a dink?" or "I can give you a dink." Dink was interchangeable with double-dink but double-dink was not interchangeable with dink. In either case, the pasenger sat on the saddle (or luggage rack) not the bar, leaving the peddler to stand.

Contributor's comments: I knew this term as "a double" and it meant to give someone a lift on a bike when they were sitting on the bar between the handle bars and seat. Their weight never seemed right if they sat on the luggage rack "rat-trap" behind the seat.Could only be done on a boy's bike as girls bikes had no bar back then.

Contributor's comments: Double dinking in the 1950s and 60s in Harvey of WA (and perhaps elsewhere) meant to be carrying two people on a bicycle.

Contributor's comments: In Hobart one doubled-dinked, asked for a dink, e.g. Can I have a dink to school? The major difference seems to be that the person getting a dink sat on the seat of the bicycle and the rider stood on the pedals.