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There are 1 results of your search for bung.


a 'please explain' letter received after one has made an error, incorrect procedure or other offence against the rules on the N.S.W. Railways: Eh I just copped a bung this morning from the DS [District Supt] after I got No. 7 off the road [derailed] last night.

Contributor's comments: Bung is also used to describe the attractiveness or lack thereof of a woman i.e. 'She's a bung mole' or 'She's bung'.

Contributor's comments: I worked on the NSW Railways for 32 years and a bung was a 'please explain' for alleged misdemeanors.

Contributor's comments: Everyone i know who uses this word bung is referring to the stopper/plug thing you put in the drain hole of a dingy

Contributor's comments: I grew up in the 50's and 60's in the south of WA and we used the word bung to refer to injured part of the body. I can't play today 'cause i've got a bung eye. My arm is all bunged up.

Contributor's comments: I have worked for the NSW railway for the past 13 years and I have only ever heard the term "bung" used within the industry. To get a "bung", is a please explain your actions or a reprimand from someone more senior to yourself.