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There are 1 results of your search for Pizza Hut.

Pizza Hut

Abel Smith Lecture Theatre at the University of Queensland: My next lecture is in the Pizza Hut.

Contributor's comments: I work at UQ. I'm not sure how widespread the use is, but the building does look exactly like a Pizza Hut!

Contributor's comments: As a UniQ student in the late 1980's the Abel Smith Lecture Theatre was always compared to a Pizza Hut for its similar shape. Most years someone would steal a Pizza Hut sign and put it on the roof somewhere...

Contributor's comments: In the same vein: pizza hut is the gathering, undercover area at Wellington Point State High School

Contributor's comments: Can confirm was known as Pizza Hut in the early-mid 90s. Not sure if this qualifies as a regionalism though.

Contributor's comments: type of classroom in NSW public/state schools shaped like the fast food chain store premises: "Year One is in the pizza hut this year."