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There are 1 results of your search for Belgium sausage.

Belgium sausage

noun a large, mild-flavoured, precooked sausage, usually sliced thinly and eaten cold. Compare beef Belgium, Byron sausage, devon, Empire sausage, fritz, German sausage, luncheon sausage, polony, pork German, Strasburg, wheel meat, Windsor sausage. Also, Belgium.
Contributor's comments: Growing up in New Zealand this was only ever known as a Belgium Sausage, I think many words from NZ have gone to Tasmania or Victoria (my great-great grandparents used this to describe the precooked sausage).

Contributor's comments: Also known as "wheel meat": Could I have wheel meat please?

Contributor's comments: I grew up in Tasmania and this word was certainly used. Now I live in Victoria and call the same meat Strasburg.

Contributor's comments: In Hobart this is known as 'devon', not Belgium sausage.

Contributor's comments: AKA 'Beef Belgium'.

Contributor's comments: I grew up in Tasmania (Hobart) and never heard it called anything but 'Belgium'. Never 'Belgium sausage'.

Contributor's comments: [Devonport, Tas informant] Belgium, according to my father was called German Sausage, and was changed after World War 1.

Contributor's comments: Growing up on King Island we knew this as German Sausage.

Contributor's comments: Belgium used in N.E. Tasmania. Thought to have replaced German during WW2, similar to German Shepherd.

Contributor's comments: luncheon meat, known in some other states as Devon: "Do you want a belgium or vegemite sandwich?"

Contributor's comments: A type of smallgood called devon in Victoria and Fritz in South Australia: "I love belgium and cheese sandwiches."

Contributor's comments: In Hobart we always called it Belgium, not "Belgium Sausage", it might well be called Devon now - but as a kid (I'm 33 now) there was only Belgium and we weren't allowed to have it! Scrapings off the floor - my mum used to call it!

Contributor's comments: Almost always simply 'Belgium' in Hobart (Why not 'BELGIAN Sausage' anyway?) It was 'German Sausage' in Victoria years ago.

Contributor's comments: cold meat like polony, windsor: "Bread and belgium is a favourite cut lunch for school kids."

Contributor's comments: Always called Pork Fritz.

Contributor's comments: [Tasmanian informant] Belgium. Not devon or anything else. These other "things' Are foreign names from over the ditch. Belgium can also be fried up like bacon. The taste changes a little.