
Should climatarian, glass barbie, gray-A and mother wound go in the dictionary?

We’re ready to look at some more new words as submitted by you, our readers and fellow word connoisseurs.

We are always on the lookout for new, emerging and interesting words to add to the Macquarie Dictionary, so please let us know if you know of one.

See other words suggested to the Macquarie Dictionary here.







 new words Macquarie Dictionary shavie - a trick or prank

new words Macquarie Dictionary gray-A someone who is asexual but occasionally feels romantic or sexual urges

new words Macquarie Dictionary institutional racism racism that is embedded in a society's structure so far as to become normalised.

new words Macquarie Dictionary mother wound the pain of being a woman passed down through generations of women in patriarchal cultures

new words Macquarie Dictionary

new words Macquarie Dictionary glass barbie - a crack pipe


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